
In the Orchard
Vriginia Woolf

Miranda slept in the orchard, lying in a long chair beneath the apple tree. Her book had fallen into the grass, and her finger still seemed to point at the sentence 'Ce pays est vraiment un des coins du monde où le rire des filles éclate le mieux . . .' as if she had fallen asleep just there. The opals on her finger flushed green, flushed rosy, and again flushed orange as the sun, oozing through the apple-trees, filled them. Then, when the breeze blew, her purple dress rippled like a flower attached to a stalk; the grasses nodded; and the white butterfly came blowing this way and that just above her face.

ミランダは果樹園の中で眠っている、林檎の木の下の長椅子に身を横たえて。草むらに一冊の本が落ちていて、彼女の指がその一文「Ce pays est vraiment un des coins du monde où le rire des filles éclate le mieux . . .」に添えられているように見えるのは、まるでそこの部分で寝入ってしまったかのようだ。指のオパールが緑色にきらめき、薔薇色にきらめき、ふたたび橙色にきらめいたのは、太陽の光が林檎の木立をぬって差しあふれる都度のこと。そして風が吹くと、紫色のドレスは茎についた一輪花のように揺れ、草々は一斉に頭を垂れ、白い蝶は彼女の顔の真上にひらひらと吹き寄せられてくる。

Four feet in the air over her head the apples hung. Suddenly there was a shrill clamour as if they were gongs of cracked brass beaten violently, irregularly, and brutally. It was only the school-children saying the multiplication table in unison, stopped by the teacher, scolded, and beginning to say the multiplication table over again. But this clamour passed four feet above Miranda's head, went through the apple boughs, and, striking against the cowman's little boy who was picking blackberries in the hedge when he should have been at school, made him tear his thumb on the thorns.


Next there was a solitary cry--sad, human, brutal. Old Parsley was, indeed, blind drunk.


Then the very topmost leaves of the apple-tree, flat like little fish against the blue, thirty feet above the earth, chimed with a pensive and lugubrious note. It was the organ in the church playing one of Hymns Ancient and Modern. The sound floated out and was cut into atoms by a flock of field-fares flying at an enormous speed--somewhere or other. Miranda lay asleep thirty feet beneath.


Then above the apple-tree and the pear-tree two hundred feet above Miranda lying asleep in the orchard bells thudded, intermittent, sullen, didactic, for six poor women of the parish were being churched and the Rector was returning thanks to heaven.


And above that with a sharp squeak the golden feather of the church tower turned from south to east. The wind changed. Above everything else it droned, above the woods, the meadows, the hills, miles above Miranda lying in the orchard asleep. It swept on, eyeless, brainless, meeting nothing that could stand against it, until, wheeling the other way, it turned south again. Miles below, in a space as big as the eye of a needle, Miranda stood upright and cried aloud: 'Oh, I shall be late for tea!'



Miranda slept in the orchard--or perhaps she was not asleep, for her lips moved very slightly as if they were saying, 'Ce pays est vraiment un des coins du monde . . . où le rire des filles . . . éclate . . . éclate . . . éclate . . .' and then she smiled and let her body sink all its weight on to the enormous earth which rises, she thought, to carry me on its back as if I were a leaf, or a queen (here the children said the multiplication table), or, Miranda went on, I might be lying on the top of a cliff with the gulls screaming above me. The higher they fly, she continued, as the teacher scolded the children and rapped Jimmy over the knuckles till they bled, the deeper they look into the sea--into the sea, she repeated, and her fingers relaxed and her lips closed gently as if she were floating on the sea, and then, when the shout of the drunken man sounded overhead, she drew breath with an extraordinary ecstasy, for she thought that she heard life itself crying out from a rough tongue in a scarlet mouth, from the wind, from the bells, from the curved green leaves of the cabbages.

ミランダは果樹園の中で眠っている――あるいは眠っていないのかもしれず、唇がごくわずかに動いて「Ce pays est vraiment un des coins du monde . . . où le rire des filles . . . éclate . . . éclate . . . éclate . . .」と言っているかのようだったが、ふと彼女はほほえんで、全体重を広々とした大地に預けると、大地は、と彼女は思う、ぐいと盛り上がって私をまるで一枚の葉っぱのように、あるいは女王のように背負って運んで(と、ここで子供たちが九九の表を唱える)、でもこれじゃあ、とミランダは考え続ける、断崖の上に寝そべってる私の上で海鳥たちが騒いでいるみたい。海鳥たちが高く高く飛ぶほどに、と彼女は続ける、が、そこで教師が生徒を叱り、ジミーの指を血がにじむほど鞭うち、海鳥たちは高く飛ぶほどに深く深く海の中を見つめる――海の中を、と彼女は繰り返し、指から力を抜き、唇をそっと閉じることで、海に浮かんでいるかのような姿勢をとると、酔いどれの怒鳴り声が頭上で響いて、そのとき大きく息を吸い込んだ彼女が強烈な快感を覚えたのは、今聞こえているものについて、真っ赤な口の中のざらついた舌から、風から、鐘から、キャベツの丸まった葉っぱから飛び出した、生命そのものの叫びのように思ったからだった。

Naturally she was being married when the organ played the tune from Hymns Ancient and Modern, and, when the bells rang after the six poor women had been churched, the sullen intermittent thud made her think that the very earth shook with the hoofs of the horse that was galloping towards her ('Ah, I have only to wait!' she sighed), and it seemed to her that everything had already begun moving, crying, riding, flying round her, across her, towards her in a pattern.


Mary is chopping the wood, she thought; Pearman is herding the cows; the carts are coming up from the meadows; the rider--and she traced out the lines that the men, the carts, the birds, and the rider made over the countryside until they all seemed driven out, round, and across by the beat of her own heart.


Miles up in the air the wind changed; the golden feather of the church tower squeaked; and Miranda jumped up and cried: 'Oh, I shall be late for



Miranda slept in the orchard, or was she asleep or was she not asleep? Her purple dress stretched between the two apple-trees. There were twenty-four apple-trees in the orchard, some slanting slightly, others growing straight with a rush up the trunk which spread wide into branches and formed into round red or yellow drops. Each apple-tree had sufficient space. The sky exactly fitted the leaves. When the breeze blew, the line of the boughs against the wall slanted slightly and then returned. A wagtail flew diagonally from one corner to another. Cautiously hopping, a thrush advanced towards a fallen apple; from the other wall a sparrow fluttered just above the grass. The uprush of the trees was tied down by these movements; the whole was compacted by the orchard walls. For miles beneath the earth was clamped together; rippled on the surface with wavering air; and across the corner of the orchard the blue-green was slit by a purple streak. The wind changing, one bunch of apples was tossed so high that it blotted out two cows in the meadow ('Oh, I shall be late for tea!' cried Miranda), and the apples hung straight across the wall again.

ミランダは果樹園の中で眠っている、あるいは眠っているようで眠っていないのか? その紫のドレスが2本の林檎の木の間に伸び広がっていた。林檎の木は果樹園に24本あり、若干ゆがんでいるものもあれば、まっすぐに伸び、梢を高々と、枝葉を広々と、黄と赤の滴を点々となすものもあった。それぞれの林檎の木の間には十分な空間があった。空は隙間なく葉が埋め尽くしていた。そよ風が起こると、壁にしだれかかる枝が少したわんでまた戻った。一羽の鶺鴒が一隅からまた一隅へと果樹園を横切っていった。おそるおそる飛びはねながら、鶫は地に落ちた林檎に向かった。向こうの壁から燕が草むらの上をすれすれに飛んでいった。木々の伸長はこうした動きに抑え込まれ、その全容を壁が密にまとめあげていた。数マイル下方で大地は咬み合い、地表は揺れて空気を震わせ、果樹園の片隅に青緑に紫の亀裂が入った。変わる風向き、林檎の一枝が持ち上がって牧場の二頭の牛をかき消し(「うわ、お茶の時間に遅れちゃう!」とミランダは叫んだ)、そして林檎は壁の真上にしなだれた。

In ther Orchard
Egoistic Romanticist: http://www1.bbiq.jp/kareha/trans/html/in_the_orchard.html
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